Design with Minimal Intervention: Drawing with Light and Cracks

Industrial design focuses on minimizing fabrication variability, aiming for identical products, while craft practice often results in unpredictable outcomes. We rely on crackle, an explicit pottery phenomenon that renders a pattern of cracks in ceramic glazing, to produce craft-unique outcomes in a moderately controlled design process. With the help of a dedicated CAD tool and a laser machine, we embed artificial decorations in a crackle pattern. By pre- processing the clay and post-processing the glaze, we demonstrate a technique to partially control the typical size of cracks in a given area, thus embedding visual forms in the glaze.

Credits: Nir Dick, Naama Glauber, Adi Yehezkeli, Moran Mizrahi, Shani Reches, Maiayn Ben-Yona, Anna Carmi, Amit Zoran


Dick, Nir, Naama Glauber, Adi Yehezkeli, Moran Mizrahi, Shani Reches, Maiayn Ben-Yona, Anna Carmi, and Amit Zoran. 2018.  “Design with Minimal Intervention: Drawing with Light and Cracks.” Pictorial accepted to 2018 ACM Conference

Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA. PDF

Amit Zoran


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Amit S Zoran

zoran at cs dot huji dot ac dot il

Room A116, Rothberg Family Buildings, The Edmond J. Safra Campus

91904 Jerusalem, Israel